24 hours left and I'm so nervous. I'm not quite sure if it's nerves about the 20 miles a day, or the sleeping in a big room with 20 to 200 of my closest new friends, or maybe it's just not being at home with my friends and family for almost a whole month (this is the longest I have ever been away). But if I did have to pinpoint why I am so nervous, I would have to say that it is probably none of those but the fear of blisters. My feet are very blister prone. You would think that after 12 years of ballet having to go through pointe shoes, 4 years of lacrosse, and running, my feet would be hard as rocks; but that would be a negative.
In fact, my feet have gone through the mill and come out baby soft, but my Dad is trying to change that (this is the part where you think "Uh oh, what is he making her do now?").
I have been soaking my feet in tea and putting lanolin cream (yes, the one for breast feeding moms) on them. He has also tried to make me put on Tincture of Benzoin, this nasty smelling stuff that you paint on the bottoms. But that is where I drew the line and flat out refused to turn my feet green (There were a couple of days where my feet looked and smelled like they were rotting).
I really hope at least some of this stuff has helped my feet at little bit, and I have not done it all in vain.
I have to tell ya'll about my hiking trip last Saturday on the AT. This training hike consisted of 20 miles from Woody's Gap up and around Blood Mountain. Anyone who has ever hiked Blood says that this whole trip should be done in two days. I think we should have taken a hint when the hikers on the trail laughed and shook their heads as we told them what we were planning to do that day. In the beginning, I would have said that we were just a little overzealous, but after about the first 12 miles I seriously questioned our sanity. I know that we will be walking 20 miles some days on the Camino but at least it is not like hiking in the Georgia mountains. My favorite part was when my dad said "Man, I really don't remember this trail being so rocky!" and about 3 minutes later I took a tumble over a rock and cut and bruised my knee.
Well Bennett, all I really have to say is "I'm sorry!" Poor Bennett, my best friend, came with us thinking at first that we were just going on a fun little 10 mile walk in the woods. Unfortunately that is not exactly the way it turned out. By the end we were betting fishing lures on what time we would get back and swore that we had passed the same tree at least 5 times. Finally, we got back exhausted and purely terrified of what we will come up against in the next couple days on the Camino.

Caroline and Len,
I sit here in Madrid reading your blog, while tending to a bruised ankle I got on the Via de la Plata on my way to Santiago. I assure you this does not happen to everyone. I am walking with my son Salvador, this 1000 kilometer camino, and we will finish it once my ankle heals. We are from Tallahassee, probably not that far from you (Georgia?), and please do know that this is a powerful life experience, as you probably know from reading about it in the Santiago Today forum. I walked the Frances last year and it brought me back once more. Have a wonderful time, father and daughter, and Buen Camino
Lillian & Salvador
theres always that light at the end of the tunnel
enjoy your cupcakes
and have the best time ever
ian #2
Okay so I deffinatly already miss you. What in the world am I going to do all summer with you gone?! Gosh, What is Bennett going to do?!! Actually, were going to a concert tomorrow and are both totally bummed you cant be there too. Um... Are you going to read this before you get back? I hope you are because its quiet possible that my writting this is totally pointless... In that case I should just push PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT button now. Well if you DO actually get to read this I hope you and your daddy have an amazing time. I am seriously gonna bring you fuzzy socks when you get back. Cuz.. I read on your packing list you have 3 pairs of socks... 3... I highly doubt amazing fuzzy socks are in that list. I might bring you a balloon too... with edible bubbles.. You can eat them with your cupcakes. Stay SAFE! That is a command by Joanie. Soo.. ready set STAY SAFE!
Wow, Len and Caroline, I am so incredibly impressed and amazed that you are taking this journey! All of the physical training will serve you well, but it will be the spiritual journey that will carry you to the end. What a great memory you and your dad will have; a lifetime of conversations and lessons learned. You will have to write a book about it upon your return! Know that you are in the McElroy's prayers! God bless you all and Irene, if you get lonesome, give me a call! Love, Joanie (the older one:)
hey babe (caroline incase there was any confusion. haha) im completely going to miss you when you're gone, i was looking forward to having some conversations that were not about chemistry or lunches that i dont have to do math homework during!!! anyways, i know you'll have fun (you just will ok!) and i bet you'll bring back tons of stories!!!!!
Love, Kathryn <3
ps. those look suspiciously like the cupcakes i made you 2 weeks ago... and i would have a reason to be concerned that you were taking the credit for my delicious cupcakes if i made them for you... say 2 days ago instead of two weeks.
WOW. You've left! What are we all going to do?? I am definitely taking you up on that offer to meet you all at the airport when you get back.
Mr. Savini. I still think you might of made up the whole soaking your feet in tea thing. I mean I still just dont know about it. Worst case scenario, you smell like tea. Not that bad =]
And Caroline, I do believe you still owe me a fishing lure. Yes we all survived the never ending trail and made it safely to our milkshakes we weren't allowed to have for breakfast :P
Hope you enjoyed those cupcakes and the flight went well. We're all wishing you the best and cant wait for your return. Love ya!
From Bennett, Ben Ben, Bennie, Travers, Travis, Bam Bam and any other nicknames we figured out I have while hiking.
ahahahhaha so u decided to make cupcakes. oh i love it. wow normally if i need to get stuff off my mind i listen to music, but baking cupcakes...that's a new one.
i always enjoy reading your blog cause there are so many surprises in every paragraph. first the hike around the mountains, then you brought bennett (i bet that was fun), then you jinked yourself and fell. (i'm sorry but i had myself a chuckle) so when you get back i will bake you the most delicious cupcakes you have ever eaten and make bennett give u a massage (ask ben smith. apparently she's got talent).
So i will miss you sooo much it's crazy. i'll keep up with the blog to see how your trip is progressing and counting down the days until i can see your lovely face once more. (oh and you too Mr. Savini) Have a great trip and STAY SAFE!!! i want you back in one piece.
Con toda la alegría en el corazón y la verdad en mi alma.
Allie <3
Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....
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