Typical Day
My mom asked me to tell y`all what the typical day would be like here. So this is what it is normally like......
First Dad wakes up about 6:00 and tells me to get up. He then goes into the bathroom and gets ready for his day. About 10 minutes later he comes back into the room and tells me to get up again. He then packs and for the last time he tells me to get up. I sit up in bed and tell him it is too early, but I do eventually get out of bed and pack. We are normally out on the trail or road by 7:20. We walk about 5 k and then stop for breakfast in a cafe in a small town. Normally we eat some type of pastry, but today we had toast, it was fantastic. Then we get back on the road and hike for another 2 or3 hours and then stop for a snack at a bar (don´t worry the bars are like little cafe´s and aren´t quite as sketchy as the the ones in the states). There we have something small to ea
t like Maria cookies and I drink a Kas de Limon which is like a Fanta but lemon flavored, I love it, but you can´t get it in Atlanta because it is made by Pepsi and it is only sold in Europe. Really healthy right! We figure if you are walking at least 15 miles a day then you deserve one or two unhealthy snacks. Then we set off again hiking. We hike on trails, asphalt roads, dirt roads, roads that seem to be make of cow manure; you say it, we have hiked on it. Because of our early start we get into town between twelve and two. We then eat lunch at another bar, normally a bocadillo (aka sandwich on french bread, with just meat and bread). Then we hunt for an albergue to stay at or a hostel. After we settle in, we then wash clothes in a pila which is like a wash board and a sink combined. We use Dad´s magical bar of soap of course. After we are done with washing, we try to find a computer to do some blogging or we go to eat dinner. They have pilgrim menus at restaurants that are about 10€ and consist of 2 large portioned plates of food, a desert, and either water or wine. After dinner, we either share camino tips and tricks at the albergue or go to bed. Bed time is about 9:30 or 10:00. The routine of the day is pretty consistent. I like it though. The cities are great, the towns are beautiful, and the people are nice. I walked today with a Welsh guy, the two of us just kept talking and walking so we accidenty left Dad in the dust when he stopped to take a picture. About 30 minutes later he caught up though.
My time is about to run out so.......love you see you bye
Absolutely delighted reading your blog...you make an awesome twosome!You've had me on the brink of tears more than once.
I am pretty sure.. that the above comment.. is my mother. just fyi. haha. maybe. ill have to ask.
My brothers singing... wait no.. he's talking to the dog. oh goodness he needs to stop. Everyone in PE is getting this amazing tan, theyre all turning black... you know what color i turn? I dont turn a color... I have stayed white... even when i didn't put on sun block.. i think its a sign... that i will be white forever. oh btw. i'm glad you are having an awesome time. how many more miles do you have left?
Caroline- It sounds like just like when we were at High Harbour trying to get you up for the day. You are quite a trooper and I admire both you and your dad for your devotion to your faith. Keep smiling and you will find your way. Mrs. Foster
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