Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day Five: Cizur Menor

Today's walk took us into Pamplona and made us many new friends. From wilderness to suburbs to the old city, we saw many changes. We met a mother and daughter from Valdosta that were doing the camino for a high school graduation gift. We also met a very nice Spanish man that took David under his wing and led us all the way to the city wall. He even took pictures with David. In the city we toured the cathedral and bought a Mobile card so we could use our phone. It had lightly rained the entire time, but stopped as we got Pinxas for lunch and began the walk out to our albergue. It was very basic and run by Maltese Templar volunteers. We went to mass in the small church in Cizur Menor and had dinner with another Atlantan and a German woman living in California. We also met up with Craig, a guy from the camino forum that had connected me before we left. Many new friends have made their way into our lives. 

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