Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day Seventeen: Ribadiso

Want to know a perfect albergue, come to the xunta one in Ribadiso. It is not modern, or overly clean or new, but it is a collection of stone buildings right next to a lovely river.
Here you can soak your feet, sun, and catch up with pilgrim friends that you know you may not see again. We have run into Vince from Charlotte the last several evenings and kept him company as he ate dinner. He is  the avid hiker just finishing section hiking the AT. Having just retired, HHS decided to come do this because it sounded interesting.

In the albergue, the rooms are cool but not too crowded and the clothes drying lines plentiful. There is a good bar next door, and lots of space to relax outside. Earlier all the young adults were playing in the river and now they are taking naps or talking at the bar. 

It is sunny and warm and beautiful in this little place. I realize that this adventure will soon end and our days as pilgrims are almost over. But for right now, life is pretty good. 

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