Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 13 Azura

Wow I can´t believe we have only one more day till Santiago. Tomorrow we are going to suck it up and push through the last 37 k. Then it is off to Finisterre.
I have eaten some pretty weird food here. One of the main regional foods is pulpo, octopus, that I ate yesterday. Also everyday we seem to have at least one bocadillo with either jamon or chorizo. We also have had tons of pilgrim meals which are two main plates of food followed by dessert. They have ¨Caldo Gellego¨ which is soup with cabbage beans and potatoes. Lentejas is a lentil soup that is very popular. Most times you can get a mixed salad also. Once we had Green beans cooked with chorizo sausage that was great. We have also cooked three of our meals. One day we ate pasta puttanesca, then we ate pasta with tomato sauce, then we made paella.


Unknown said...

Youre gonna turn into a fatty from eating so much.
i saw kung fu panda.. twas okay. not the greatest in the world. i think your brother liked it. we ate polish with your mommy last night.

food is good. haha. =] and... you should take the bus to the next place you're going and not hike. =]

Unknown said...

sounds yummy
its better than the camp food ive been eating for the last week, although it was pretty good.
have a great time in santiago tomorrow

ian #2

ps i talked to ian #1 at scout camp
he says hi